Saturday 22 June 2013

Summer Elements Blog Hop

Welcome to the Summer Elements Blog Hop hosted by the very patient Rita of Toltec Jewels. Rita makes some truly beautiful pieces so please be sure to hop over to her blog first and have a good look around.


I'm a week late posting this after a very stressful episode that turned out to be a bad case of constipation caused by finnickity eating. Culprit is now on a strict regime of "eat your greens" and "drink your water" upon threat of daily dose of parrafin oil. So I apologise to all for any shonky links and my extreme tardiness in visiting the other blogs.

This blog hop is all about celebrating our favourite elements of summer. For me it's all the time I get to spend outside having fun with my family.

So since it's winter here at the moment I thought I'd warm up my thoughts by remembering some of my favourite moments from the summers of recent years past.


A perfect summer afternoon in the park 2010 with my beautiful daughter.



My son secretly exploring the gardens at the beach house we rented in 2011.


Going crazy in the heat on our porch summer 2011.



A dragonfly visits us and takes a rest on my hand one summer evening in 2011.
Beautiful carousel at Melbourne Zoo toward the end of summer 2011.



My lazy Boy soaking up the summer sun 2011.



An exciting find in the forest summer 2012 - we never found it again!



Father and Mrs Christmas in the park summer 2012 (I'm still not used to Christmas being in the summer)!

I hope you enjoyed my trip down Summer's past. Please have a look at tne other blogs in the Summer Elements Blog Hop:

Toltec Jewels (Our fabulous Hostess)
Christie (Charis Designs)
Nelly May (you are here)



  1. I was late in posting too!

    Love your photos! Is it very cold in Australia this time of year? Do you get lots of snow? (I could probably look it up, but it's much more fun asking you! ;) ).


    1. It's super chilly at the moment, but I was sent over from Engand 10 years ago and the winters are quite balmy here compared to there. When I first came over I was walking around in T-shirts and shorts wondering why everyone was dressed in big winter coats and woollie hats. Now I get the scarves and gloves out as soon as it drops below 10 degrees c!
      About an hour north of us there's plenty of snow and lots of skiing (skiing in Australia! I had no idea!), but we may only get a smidgen of snow one day every couple of years.

  2. We have difference in seasons of 6 months :-) so the picture of Father & Mrs. Christmas really made me smile! Enjoy your summer and have a nice weekend!

  3. Awesome pictures of all your favorite things; family, friend, pets and happy times.

  4. Great pictures Nelly, thank you so much for sharing!!! Have a Blessed day!

  5. Beautiful pictures, christmas in summer is familiar to me. Have a wonderful upcoming spring and summer!


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